Arthro Gold, complex of vitamins for joints and bones, 30 tablets

Locomotor apparatus
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180 UAH
155 UAH / 4 pcs.
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It is recommended to use:

  1. For the prevention and complex treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism, salt deposition;
  2. In case of damage to ligaments, injuries, dislocations, violation of salt metabolism;
  3. For the normalization of metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissues;
  4. For prevention and for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  5. In case of dry skin, reduced elasticity, brittle nails, hair loss;
  6. For the prevention of age-related joint mobility disorders in areas with environmentally unfavorable living conditions.

Ingredients: collagen hydrolyzate, extracts: horsetail, Salicis Salix cortex, carrot, calcium (calcium chelate) – 100 mg, potassium (potassium citrate) – 30 mg, magnesium (magnesium oxide) – 50 mg, vitamins: C – 10 mg,  B6 – 1 mg, B1 – 0.1 mg, B12 – 0.5 μg;  zinc (zinc oxide) – 1.5 mg, manganese (manganese chelate) – 0.5 mg, selenium (selenium nitrate) – 30 μg, copper (copper sulfate) – 25 μg, calcium stearate, lactose.

Release form: 1000 mg tablets in a plastic container of 30 pcs.

Directions: for adults, 1-2 tablets per day during meals, washed down with water.

Recommended course of admission: 2-3 months.  If necessary, the course can be repeated 2-3 times a year.  Consult your doctor before taking it.  If necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to increase the dosage to 2-3 tablets 2 times a day.  The best effect is achieved when taking Artro Gold with Chondroetin extra plus.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of the components.

Properties of components:

Collagen is a fibrillar protein that forms the basis of the body’s connective tissue.  Collagen is present in cartilage and connective tissue, liver, muscles, kidneys, vessel walls and other tissues and organs.  Without connective tissue, any organ will not be able to maintain its specific structure and shape.  Connective tissue has the ability to change, while maintaining strength.

Collagen improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, accelerates the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue.  With age, the balance of collagen in the body is disturbed, so people over 40 simply need to enrich their diet with collagen.  Taking collagen will help a young, growing organism to accumulate sufficient cartilage and bone mass, which will significantly delay the appearance of senile bone fragility and inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system in the future.  Taking collagen has a positive cosmetic effect: the condition of the skin, nails, and hair improves, the basis of which is collagen.

Carrot extract (natural B-carotene) is a source of vitamins, especially provitamin A, micro- and macroelements, bioflavonoids, has the ability to absorb harmful substances and helps to remove them from the body, normalizes metabolism, and stimulates bowel function.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) is a rich source of silicic acid, glycosides, bioflavonoids, and saponins.  Silicic acid is a necessary component of the human body, especially connective tissue, skin, hair and nails.  Horsetail helps remove excess cholesterol, slags, lead, and toxic substances from the body, improves water-salt metabolism, prevents the formation of stones, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, increases the elasticity of connective tissue, improves the metabolic process in hair, nails and the body as a whole, as well as  cardiotonic effect, effective in atherosclerosis of heart vessels, reduces swelling of various etiologies, has a hemostatic, antiseptic, disinfecting effect, stimulates and improves blood circulation.

Salicis Salix cortex  has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative effect, improves the rheological properties of blood.  White willow bark has long been used to treat joint diseases.  It is used for gout, joint rheumatism, arthritis, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, varicose veins.  White willow bark contains salicylate, tannins, flavones, vitamins, glycosides, and mineral compounds.  The main active component is salicin, thanks to which willow bark has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, thins the blood.

Calcium is the main building material for bones, teeth, and nails.  Calcium is necessary for muscles, it participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, helps reduce the permeability of blood vessels, increases the body’s resistance to infections, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.  About 99% of calcium in the body is part of the skeleton.  If the ratio of calcium is disturbed, the body takes it from the bone stock – teeth, nails, large joints.  Hence, degenerative changes in the bones appear in the form of growths and cones, calcification of blood vessels occurs, bones become brittle.

Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of all our soft tissues: blood vessels, capillaries, muscles, brain cells, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands and other organs.  Potassium is a part of intracellular fluids, helps remove excess water from the body, prevents sodium salts from accumulating in blood vessels and cells, regulates water-salt exchange, acid-alkaline state of the body, helps to remove edema, activates enzymes.

Magnesium is involved in all vital processes of our body.  Responsible for metabolic processes, especially calcium, and controls them.  With a lack of magnesium, lignification of the limbs, tingling in the limbs, spasms, muscle and joint pain, hair loss, brittle nails, tooth decay, rapid fatigue, frequent headaches, difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to weather changes and cold are observed.  Magnesium helps preserve the structure of bone tissue, fights angina, and reduces blood viscosity.

Zinc participates in tissue regeneration, is necessary for bone formation, has antioxidant properties.  Normalizes metabolism, regulates the activity of the reproductive system, promotes rapid healing of wounds.  It plays an important role in hematopoietic processes, supports the immune system and the activity of endocrine glands.

Selenium is a component of many proteins, liposaccharides and enzymes.  It has anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties.  Selenium strengthens the body’s immune defense against viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, protects cell membranes from damage by aggressive forms of oxygen, protects our body from mercury, cadmium, lead, thallium and other harmful substances.

Copper participates in the formation of the structure of connective tissue proteins – collagen and elastin, which are structural components of bone and cartilage tissue, skin, lungs, and walls of blood vessels.  Lack of copper leads to demineralization of bone tissue and osteoporosis.  Copper is necessary for energy generation processes in the cell, which plays an important role in the body’s antioxidant protection.  It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, controls the level of cholesterol, sugar and uric acid in the body, strengthens bones, increases the production of red and white blood cells, supports the immune system.

Vitamin C improves the metabolism of many substances in the body (lipids, proteins, etc.), participates in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, blood coagulation, tissue regeneration, reduces vascular permeability, increases the body’s resistance to infections.

Vitamin B1 – promotes the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into energy, supports the functions of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin B6 – participates in protein metabolism, hematopoiesis processes, helps to strengthen the nervous system.  Lack of vitamin B6 causes a decrease in immune protection, atherosclerosis, anemia, dermatitis.  Vitamin B6 together with magnesium has anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, hypotensive, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for bone growth, which occurs only when there is a sufficient supply of vitamin B12 in the cells.  This is especially important for children during the development period and women in the climacteric period, in which there is a hormonally determined loss of bone mass.  With a deficiency of vitamin B12, memory and attention deteriorate, problems arise with hematopoiesis.

It is not a medicine.

For musculoskeletal system, For joints, For physical performance
Release form:
30 capsules of 1000 mg
11 July 2024

Моя історія: впала випадково і зачепила руку, суглоб не вивихнула, але був дуже сильний забій, спочатку не відчувалось, а до вечора почало сильно боліти дуже
Я випила одразу 3 таблетки хондроетин + 3 таблетки артро голд за рекомендацією ( це виходить добова норма, але її я випила за раз) - болі у мене майже пройшли на наступний ранок, після другого такого прийому пройшли повністю.

Але так як я не мала змоги пити по 1 таблетці 3 рази на день - то пила ввечері одразу 3 шт хондроетину + 3 шт артро голду

в Хондроетині є босвелія - знімає запалення і знімає біль глюкозамін, в артро голді колаген 400 мг - дуже допомогло, дякую !!!

Таблетки по запаху натуральні з екстрактів ) мені сподобалось, тепер буде в аптечці моїй завжди

1 July 2024

Комплексы этого производителя помогают
Повторно заказываю этот, хондроэтин и еще кардилекс
За другие не скажу, но этими тремя полностью удовлетворена

11 June 2024

Замовила собі 2 курси хондроетину, з ним ще артро голд і сабельник, і пила все в комплексі - все пропила 2 курсами під ряд, тому що боліло коліно, коліно боліти перестало, навіть змогла займатись і бігати )

Проп'ю ще курсом, в сумі получилось 3 місяці пила хондроетин, саблельник та артро голд
Замовила також своїм батькам

Светлана Игоровна Мартинович
27 April 2023

Вместе с Хондроэтином незаменимый препарат, уменьшает тяжесть и боли в суставах

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